Marshall friedman explains that one of the gutter quadruplets in front of him killed justin.
Borderlands 2 which gutter boy did it.
One of the gutter boys ran into moxxi s looking for a safe haven.
One of the identical gutter quadruplets murdered a boy in town and friedman does not know which one.
The gutter brothers are.
Did i miss something here.
Friedman needs helps in determining who was responsible.
In borderlands 2 won t get fooled again marshall friedman wants us to solve the murder of justin macready by questioning some key characters around sanctuary and identify the killer among the identical gutter quadruplets.
When i accused him one of the other suspects yelled wrong and ran away.
I healed him up good as new but the little skunk overpaid me six thousand immediately correcting himself five thousand bucks.
Is this a scripted failure.
Barlo gutter is one of the gutter quadruplets who appears in won t get fooled again.
You don t need to confiscate that or anythin do ya.
He had a shield.
Marshall friedman is a lazy as sheriff who wants you to do a couple of side quests because he is extremely uninterested in them.
Since only one of the gutter boys had a shield the choice seemed obvious.
He is the one that uses a sniper rifle and a shield and is also fully healed providing the clue that it was him who killed justin macready.
Description marshall friedman needs your help.
For borderlands 2 on the xbox 360 a gamefaqs q a question titled who is the killer of the 4 brothers in the sanctuary sidequest.
Sure i pulled a round outta one of them gutter boys.