They have short antennae and round bodies and might also have irregular brown orange and white scales or be solid brown or.
Black carpet beetles in bed.
The main difference is the color.
That s because bed bugs always look the same but there are a lot of carpet beetle.
If carpet beetles are living in your bed it can be hard to tell if you have them or bed bugs.
You ve noticed that carpet beetles length varies a lot while bed bugs are always the same length.
The biggest difference is in size.
Varied carpet beetles do have brown on their backs but they look more spotted or striped with white and light colored patches mixed with brown.
Bed bugs are reddish brown flat and shaped like an apple seed.
However the carpet beetle is the smallest of the two and averages 1 8th of an inch in length while the bed bug is about 1 4th of an inch long.
Carpet beetles vary in color depending on type e g varied black furniture or common carpet beetles.
Carpet beetles on the other hand measure between 1 16 of an inch and 1 8 of an inch long.
Bed bugs will hide in bedding in ribbing around mattresses in the cracks of hardwood floors behind electrical outlets behind wall coverings in carpets and furniture in wall voids and behind baseboards.
Bed bugs measure of an inch long.
Bed bugs and carpet beetles are both very small.
The carpet beetle and bed bug not only leave similar looking bites but there are other similarities.
Bed bug larvae look like little worms while carpet beetle larvae look like fuzzy bugs with little spines all over them.
Both can live in mattresses and other bedding and are attracted to the carbon dioxide you exhale as.