Normally the depreciable life of solar panels is 85 of the full solar system cost which may be depreciated roughly as follows.
Bonus depreciation on solar panels.
168 k 1 a the depreciation deduction provided by sec.
Macrs depreciation of solar panels.
167 includes a special allowance for qualified property for the tax year in which the property is placed inservice.
Depreciation on solar panels is one of the easiest ways businesses and farms looking to go solar can keep installation costs down rois high and paybacks short.
Year 1 20 year 2 32 year 3 19 2 year 4 11 5 year 5 11 5 and year 6 5 8.
Bonus depreciation under sec.
For 2011 the special allowance was 100 of the adjusted basis of certain qualified property.
Under 50 bonus depreciation system owners may claim depreciation of half of their solar facility after it is placed in service.
Because the largest percentage of most renewable energy property i e wind and solar is personal property that is otherwise 5 year modified accelerated cost recovery system macrs property and because the new law did not change the general rule for wind or solar 5 year macrs the new 100 bonus depreciation is merely an option for wind and solar deals.