Typically a furnace will overheat if the air filter is plugged and the furnace can t pull enough air through it to cool the heat exchanger down.
Bmw white dust from air vents.
The white dust they disperse is nothing more than a natural by product of the minerals present in the water you fill your humidifier with.
However our techs would pull the furnace filter and they would be white as a pure snow.
Spray inside the vents with a sanitizing enzymatic cleaner.
Clear off and spray the air intake vents.
The air intakes are on the exterior of the car around the windshield cowling.
The dealer had it back and put a cleaner through the system but had no effect.
It is the same if the air con is turned on as well.
Looking clean we would put the filter back in and struggle through the diagnosis more.
Have the ducts ever been professionally cleaned by someone who s work you have personally visually verified.
The minerals land on furniture tables counter tops etc.
Ultrasonic and impeller humidifiers produce humidity through a steaming process so when the water in the humidifier is heated the water turns to vapor which is then is sprayed out of the humidifier in a mist form.
When the fan is turned on i get this white dust out of all the vents.
Brush away dead leaves or any other accumulated debris using a broom or handheld dust brush.
Within this mist are dissolved minerals from the water itself.
If you do indeed have a efficient air filtration system which is really well sealed to the furnace the the source of the dust has to be the cooling coil the furnace or the supply air ducts.
No name bad a c cleaner.
It would be odorless for awhile.
Does anyone know what this could be and maybe a solution.