I coach skaven and am not really seeing the advantage of wrestle over block as your first skill pick for a gutter runner.
Bloodbowl 2 gutter runner armor or ma.
So my first gutter runner leveled up finally.
I ve had success in the past with going for dauntless so gutter runners have some.
Their catchers are fast but will have a hard time keeping up with a skaven gutter runner.
Not on a fresh one.
Weaknesses humans are not penalized by any inherent weaknesses as other races are.
Need some advice on what i should get on my ma gutter runner for his second level up.
The rat ogre seems built to injure catchers but the gutter runners can be built to play either side of the field.
Their passes are decent but don t compare with the high elves.
That being said they don t excel in any particular domain either.
Gutter runners are fast as from the beginning.
This is the location for your questions about bloodbowl either the electronic version or the tabletop.
I feel like ma and st might be a bit bloaty on the same gr but st is hard to pass up.
So normally a movement point would be a no brainer but gutter runners are already stupid fast so it seems excessive.
The same blitzer and the other catcher now rolled double 5s and i m at a loss whether i should take the movement on both of them or if i should get dodge diving tackle on the blitzer or guard on the catcher or something.
So i started a new human team who s only lvlups currently is a mv blitzer and a block catcher.
I m a new player to blood bowl and have just started up a league with some friends.
1 ma sprint wrestle block surefeet with the fourth i.
Two human gutter runners.
You would take armor instead than move on a star wardancer gutter runner.
Any advice discussion is appreciated.
Would a balanced 2 gutter 2 storm rush with 2 gutter 2 throw 1 ratogre in the backfield work well or would a more aggressive 6 player rush with only the throwers and rat ogre left defending work better.
It kinda depends on the rest of the team too.
Third game of the league and i rolled a 6 and a 4 which means a skill a movement point or an armour value lol.