I ve had success in the past with going for dauntless so gutter runners have some.
Blood bowl gutter runner stats.
Variation 3 11 players 4 rerolls 2 blitzers.
They are what makes the skaven team good and you will find other teams going out of their way to kill them.
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A single gutter with wrestle strip is all you need for this and horns is a nice bonus.
So normally a movement point would be a no brainer but gutter runners are already stupid fast so it seems excessive.
These aren t so much effective you are engaging a mb po battle where you both have av 7 as they are distractions.
Gutter runners are the fastest players in the game and are also one of the best players available to any team.
One of the teams in my league has a gutter with horns and another gutter with big hands.
Skaven gutter runner overview.
Obviously this isn t a career for them but they do a good job until you can afford a thrower later.
Other tricks involve developing a clawbombing blitzer.
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So my first gutter runner leveled up finally.
1 or 2 thrower s 4 or 5 linemen.
The horned wrestle gutter is less prevalent but is also a quality player.
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Third game of the league and i rolled a 6 and a 4 which means a skill a movement point or an armour value lol.
No idea on when these will be out though.
Their toughest players blitzers will hardly compete against a chaos warrior or a black orc.
2 pickup on any dropped ball and a 2 dodge out is very hard to beat.
Another use for gutter runners is if you start with a rat ogre and are short of money so don t bother with a skaven thrower gutter runners can make serviceable passers with their agility of 4.
Either you get 2 throwers or 1 thrower and 20k in the bank towards a fast apo.
Once the ball drops punt it away with another gutter and that s game.
Their catchers are fast but will have a hard time keeping up with a skaven gutter runner.