Skaven gutter runner overview.
Blood bowl 2 gutter runner build.
Block sidestep this is the guy that levelled.
2 pickup on any dropped ball and a 2 dodge out is very hard to beat.
I m a new player to blood bowl and have just started up a league with some friends.
Guard is nice but on a gutter with st2 it is hard to use it passivly.
3 more generic linemen.
He will become a huge target i think.
Although it s probably best to aim for this with a gutter runner who rolls mv on their first level up since it s so important for that build.
The horned wrestle gutter is less prevalent but is also a quality player.
Then use this hole to get 1 gutter runner and 2 linerats into his half.
Third game of the league and i rolled a 6 and a 4 which means a skill a movement point or an armour value lol.
The big hands guy scores a lot of touchdowns for sure.
Now you will have 4 players in his half enough to scare him of a fast touchdown.
I coach skaven and am not really seeing the advantage of wrestle over block as your first skill pick for a gutter runner.
Block sidestep diving tackle.
So my first gutter runner leveled up finally.
I ve had success in the past with going for dauntless so gutter runners have some.
I build 2 wrestle dauntless strip ball tackle guard at some point.
Blitz a hole into the opposing defence on the side of the pitch where the ball has landed with a storm vermin assisted by a linerat and continue moving.