They dubbed the tree rum cherry because from its dark purple cherries they brewed a potent liquor.
Black cherry wood tree.
Also black cherry s inner bark contributed to tonics and cough medicines.
Overall cherry is noted for having a warm rich appearance.
Black cherry is characterized by late maturing fruit and is distinct from the other cherries because it has dark bark with irregular scales that peel off easily and a.
For about its first decade the bark of a black cherry tree is thin smooth and banded resembling a birch.
Elsewhere though the wood was more appreciated.
Other cherry trees most often function as decorative trees or fruit bearers.
The cherry bark breaks into thin dark plates and raised edges on older wood are described as burnt cornflakes.
Other names used to refer to this species are black cherry rum cherry and mountain black cherry.
This species of cherry tree typically has a trunk diameter of four to five feet and it grows to heights of up to 100 feet.
Prunus serotina family black cherry stands alone for its commercial value as a lumber wood.
Lenticels in black cherry are one of many vertically raised pores in the stem of a woody plant that allows gas exchange between the atmosphere and the internal tissues on the bark of a young tree.
If lower grade larger logs are sawn to exclude sapwood and further manufacture eliminates sapwood in the product fencing cladding furniture cherry is an excellent exterior wood.
The leaves are long and shiny resembling a sourwood s.
Black cherry sapwood in not rot resistant at all most cherry is sawn for grade and nearly all boards contain sapwood often both faces.
Settlers in the appalachian mountains for example valued the tree s fruit more than its wood.