It has sildenafil as one of the undeclared substances it contains.
Black ant pills side effects.
Polyrhachisvicina roger black ant.
This is because the two components can be harmful to the consumers as they tend to interact with nitrates.
If the pill contains sildenafil the side effects could be much worse.
Prevention or elimination of premature ejaculation.
What are the side effects of black ant pills.
Side effects of black ant pills based on the known ingredients could include trouble sleeping side effect of korean red ginseng headache upset stomach and nausea.
When taken regularly it keeps the body healthy and balanced solving problems like impotency and a lowered sexual appetite.
The polyrhachisvicina roger contains a lot of amino acids and is a good nutritional supplement.
For me they included the following.
This will result in low blood pressure.
Black ant king pill pros but the drug when taken on a regular basis can start having an effect on the person s normal health and well being also.
Fda laboratory analysis confirmed that black ant king contains sildenafil the active ingredient in the fda approved prescription drug viagra used to treat erectile dysfunction ed.
This is a medicine that is only meant to be taken on prescription only.
As at of 3 rd september 2014 the therapeutic goods administration tga in australia had tested the african black ant capsules and found out the following.
The supplement is said to have no serious side effects.
Additionally medlar extract contains a property called amigradin known to convert to cyanide inside the body.
I took my blood pressure before taking black ant pills and it was 125 83.
African black ant pills review.
This makes the supply of these drugs illegal.
Ultimately these black ant pills have a tendency to encourage the testosterone levels of the body.
Though there isn t much information about this ingredient side effects associated with medlar extract may include nausea vomiting or shortness of breath.
This has led to the recall of these drugs in the past.
Within the first 10 minutes my face started to turn bright red and blotchy.
Indications to usage of black ant king pills include premature ejaculation impotence nocturnal emission sexual dysfunction weak sperm decreased libido prostatitis small penis etc.
Black ant pill ingredients are they safe effective.
About 30 minutes later i took it again and it dropped to 115 72.