According to the greeks athena was born in this astonishing manner after her father zeus had swallowed her.
Birth of athena attic cup.
500 bce worshipping athena.
500 bce athena promachos by berlin painter c.
The goddess athena in full armour springs out of the head of an enthroned zeus.
Birth of athena zeus came to lust after metis and chased her in his direct way.
Black figure pottery painting also known as the black figure style or black figure ceramic greek μελανόμορφα melanomorpha is one of the styles of painting on antique greek vases it was especially common between the 7th and 5th centuries bc although there are specimens dating as late as the 2nd century bc.
Christie s london london christie s london april 30 1975 sale cat.
Athena depicted as a child brandishes a spear and is equipped with a shield and a peaked helm.
Frank brommer die geburt der athena jahrbuch des romisch germanischen zentralmuseums mainz 8 1961.
550 bce athena and votary by myson c.
The birth of athena.
Later when he complained of terrible headaches hephaistos split open his head with an ax.
490 bce athena and adrastus by syleus painter c.
Room of athena as patron of the city.
Cornelius vermeule and dietrich von bothmer notes on a new edition of michaelis part iii american journal of archaeology 63 1959.
Athena springs forth from his head born ready equipped with a shield.
An oracle had told zeus that he would be dethroned by the son that he would have with metis his first wife.
Hephaestus births athena from the skull of zeus with the blow of an axe.
Birth of athena in ancient greek pottery 1 c 4 f.
She changed into various creatures such as hawks fish and serpents.
April 30 1975 lot.
Attic red figure cup nationalmuseet chrviii458 jpg 3 609 2 766.
The king of the gods is seated on a throne decorated with the head of a swan and brandishes a lightning bolt in his outstretched hand.
To avoid this fate he swallowed metis who was already pregnant with their daughter.
Attic black figure exaleiptron of the birth of athena from the head of zeus c.
The pair are flanked by the twin eileithyiae birth goddesses who act as midwives with raised arms.
Odysseus and athena at the meeting with nausicaa attic red figured amphora from vulci 440 bc staatliche antikensammlungen.
570 560 bc by the c painter attic red figure kylix of athena promachos holding a spear and standing beside a doric column c.
Athena stands upon the lap of zeus following her birth from his brow.