Birds Nesting Under Solar Panels Uk

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Pigeons Under Solar Panels Deterrents Free Surveys Opkill Co Uk

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In the same way that houses attract humans solar panels attract birds.

Birds nesting under solar panels uk.

Solar panels provide an enticing site for pigeons looking for shelter and a safe place to build a nest. Solar panels offer a ready made shelter for nesting under combined with a high vantage point from which to survey the surroundings. If relevant we will also remove bird droppings from the gutter and ensure it is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. Birds such as pigeons and gulls nesting under and around solar panels can easily damage the cabling wiring and the photovoltaic panels themselves.

They simply love solar panels. Pigeons often use rooftops gutters roof overhangs and even window trims to build nests. If there s such a thing as estate agency in bird world and in particular pigeon world it s easy to envisage the blurb on the sale particulars for a nest under a well located 4kw array. The roof is sheltered under the protective canopy of solar panels keeping birds safe from the elements and predators.

Birds love the space between solar panels due to the warmth provided by them. Whenever a solar pv system is set up on top of a house installers leave a gap between the panels and the roof to make space for electrical equipment. About essex suffolk pest solutions. The first step is to remove all the birds from under the solar panels first as well as any dead pigeons and nesting materials.

The warmth emitted all year around is another benefit to the birds. Pigeons will quickly discover that a roof with solar panels is the ideal location for building their nest and rearing their young. You make a big investment when you install solar panels and you should protect that investment. Do solar panels attract birds.

To the shrewd pigeon this gap is a safe warm and comfortable place to settle down in. Pigeons need cover over their heads when nesting and unlike most birds they nest all year round in the uk. The installation of solar panels on your roof offers the perfect space for birds to roost and nest under them hence why you get your pigeons under solar panels issue. While a passing bird or two won t damage your photovoltaic pv system in the long run pigeons nesting under solar panels can and will.

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