Pigeons barn swallows starlings house finches house sparrows are all candidates for birds in a house or attic.
Birds in attic repellent.
If birds are in your attic they have found an entry point into your home.
Birds indoors are pests but they are very easy to handle in a humane way.
Once a wild animal lives in your attic and has a nest of babies there that s it.
Remove screens from attic windows and open the windows wide.
Once installed on your roof the birds won t be able to land and enter your attic.
That s the only option for survival.
Now refill the bowl with more seed but place the bowl inside of a cage trap.
Here s the problem with repellents in general.
This is a great place for a bird to nest its quiet it s usually inaccessible and it high up away from predators.
They will endure anything rather than to leave and die outside without shelter.
Simply fill a bowl with birdseed and place it in an open spot inside the attic.
An attic is a big dry safe place to live in and certain species of birds will enter an attic to roost and nest.
Wait for the birds to come to the bowl and finish the seed.
Play loud music on the radio placed in the attic to scare the bird out of the attic.
It will find the open window and fly out on its.
However one possible repellent that may work is the use of bird spikes.