The common grackle is a scrappy bird if there ever were one.
Bird nest in my siding with grackles.
Check the label information to make sure the weight activation mechanism can be fine tuned to exclude grackles and not just squirrels.
The boat tailed and great tailed grackles as well as red winged and yellow headed blackbirds nest in marshes and aren t usually in residential areas in summer.
I can t see if there are any bugs or any other reason that would attract this bird to my home.
Birds have been known to damage insulation shingles siding and other housing materials to grab nesting materials.
Throughout the east and midwest this big blackbird is a very familiar species on suburban lawns striding about with deliberate steps as it searches for insects.
Of course that is unless you live near a marsh or wetland.
My wife said she saw the second hole about a year ago and thought it was a dirt spot on the siding.
They let small birds enter but not the larger grackles.
Rarely common grackles nest in unusual places such as birdhouses woodpecker holes cliff crevices barns and still occupied nests of osprey and great blue herons.
Common grackles often nest in small colonies and several males may perch in adjacent treetops to sing their creaking grating songs.
The nest can take as little as a week to as long as six weeks to finish.
The inside is lined with finer materials.
Common grackles build bulky nests in conifer trees dense spruce or other similar small trees.
You can find the nest located in a shrub or tree 3 to 30 feet above the ground or water.
Upon inspection of other areas i found another hole similar to the first one.
The nest is made of grass twigs reeds and mud.
It will close when a heavy bird like a grackle lands on it.
The female will lay 4 to 7 eggs that are pale greenish brown with dark marks.
A single female can lay four to seven eggs in a single mating season.
If they build near your home that might mean materials you d rather they didn t use.
Females typically build the nest with males sometimes helping or making repairs.
Another good choice is a feeder with an adjustable weight activated perch.