Birds in the attic also bring mites into homes.
Bird droppings in attic.
Birds in attics can spread many diseases.
There are also some additional health risks to you and your family if birds live in your attic.
Once airborne the spores infiltrate ceilings and ducts increasing the chances of infection for residents.
Unfortunately these are wild animals and they don t know the difference between inside and outside the home in regard to defecating and urinating.
There are multiple risks associated with having birds in your attic.
Droppings can be found anywhere in the home but are mostly seen in the attic garage basement or kitchen area.
While all animals will leave droppings in your attic if they spend enough time there you can actually tell what type of wildlife is present based on the droppings in nearly every case.
This is a biohazard and respirators should be worn when inspecting a bird infested attic to avoid breathing these pathogens into lungs.
Nests are also prone to spread particles of bird waste into the air because they are so dry and droppings can attach to dust fiberglass insulation to become airborne.
Birds should be removed from your attic as quickly as possible to keep them from seeing your attic as their home and setting up a nest.
If a bird is not removed from your attic it can create a.
Any animal living in that space will cause some sort of damage even if it just in the form of leaving droppings and urine that can weaken structures and cause odors.